Dezie – Office Mascot

“The journey of life is sweeter when traveled with a dog.” — Unknown

Director of Hospitality Extraordinaire

Name: Dezie Lauer

Aliases: Dez and Dezie – Doo

Age: Top secret, as ladies should never tell

Sign: Pisces

Personality type: Extroverted Socialite (always ready for a party if carrots and belly rubs are served!)

Favorite snack: Carrots and more carrots! (Dezie must have been a bunny rabbit in her past life)

Spirit Animal: Bunny rabbit, of course.

Favorite Toy: Kong Monkey rope…duh!

Favorite Pastimes: Dezie has a wide variety of interests.A few of her favorites include zoomies up and down the office hall while fetching toys; she is always down for a walk…anytime and anywhere,but especially at the park; ninja counter surfing for snacks while no one is looking;and most importantly, cuddling on Mom’s lap for belly rubs.

Special Traits: Mesmerizing puppy-dog eyes to lure you into a trance…once hooked,you will give belly rubs, carrots, or both! We all know that music is the universal language, and Dezie is a musical genius with a tail that keeps a steady melodic beat to welcome new and old friends.Finally, she has a wickedly sensitive nose that will find carrots or other treats no matter how well hidden.

Passions: Greeting all visitors who come to Lincoln& Lauer and making them feel special.Oh, and cannot forget, and loving her Momma, Michelle, of course!

Please stop by and meet our hospitality guru and office mascot, Dezie

“Everything I know, I learned from dogs.” – Nora Roberts.

“It’s just the most amazing thing to love a dog, isn’t it? It makes our relationships with people seem as boring as a bowl of oatmeal.” – John Grogan

Estate and Trust Law

Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Medical Powers of Attorney

Probate and Trust Administration

Guardianship and Conservatorship

Long Term Care Planning (ALTCS/Medicaid)